Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Casino Chip Maze

maze of a casino chip
Maze of a casino chip psychedelic pattern by Yanito Freminoshi | MAZE SOLVED HERE

coloring for grown ups casino chip maze artwork by yanito freminoshiPsychedelic maze artwork by the famous maze artist Yanito Freminoshi of a casino chip framed in a very symmetrical pattern with the generic word "Casino" in the middle of the chip. These chips are typically used in a classical casino setting in which real cash is exchanged for casino chips.
The maze artwork also has a coloring for grown ups rendering/version.

Coloring before you attempt to gamble is actually a methodology practiced by some advanced gamblers, but I would recommend you try it at a casino that lets you play for free before you risk real money on such a myth. Still, pretty interesting considering all the things people do to game a casino.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

No Deposit Casino Art Maze

Artwork of the phrase "No Deposit Casino Art" created for a sample to present for a client. 
The client decided to go with someone else :(

At least we got some artwork out of it (yay!)

*tries not to cry*


**gets abused online for using word "alot"**

Here is the Coloring Maze of the No Deposit Casino Art

no deposit casino art maze coloring for grown ups
Coloring for grown ups maze of the No Deposit Casino Art sample

Here we have a plain old maze of the words "No Deposit Casino Art"
This too was artwork presented to a client which was a bit distracted on his phone while I made my presentation and ended up "thanking me for my time" and validating my parking before explaining to me that it is "not the direction" they want to go.

At least you, internet people, can still enjoy the fruits of my labor.

no deposit casino art maze
No Deposit Casino Art Maze - SOLUTION HERE
 You can also find the solution by scanning that QR Code in the right hand corner of the maze.
I used a QR Code because in the future, that will be the primary form of communication and maybe by then my artwork will be appreciated by people. Because right now, not so much. Same goes for QR Codes.

plain no deposit casino art
This one is even simpler, no maze, no coloring page, just the words No Deposit Casino Art.
GUESS WHAT! They still didn't take this one either.

Life as an artist. What can you do?

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Pokies Hand Gesture Maze

Maze artwork of someone making the POKIES gesture with their hand, in a clip art, generic style hand.

maze of the pokies gesture
Psychedelic maze artwork of the pokies gesture | MAZE SOLVED HERE

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Maze of Cat and Sunset

Sunset Cat Maze
Maze artwork by Mazeratti of a cat sitting atop a fence and watching a blaring sunset. MAZE SOLVED HERE

Cool maze artwork by Mazeratti of a cat with some scrappy features sitting atop a perch or wall depicted by an intense checkered pattern. Also not the cat's tail which is in a clear spiral formation and the sun is scrambled using a vertical filter. This maze artwork was made for a client that was using it as part of a series of cat pics to use with funny cat pictures.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Maze of a Placebo

Pill maze
Placebo Maze by Mazeratti | Maze's Solution Here
Maze artwork by famous maze artist Mazeratti. The maze is of a generic looking pill shape, with an oval bisected by a center pattern divider. Placebos are basically a pill that contains no active ingrediaent, but still causes the person to improve their medical conditon because they thing that have done something to counter the effects of their symptoms.